High Treason
Earlier this summer I picked up a used Swifty 14 wooden sailboat from Shell Boats. Alex has named her “High Treason” (he’s named my canoe “The Black Pearl” … one might accurately conclude at the age of 5, he’s pretty big into pirates).

The design of the Swifty is quite attractive, and the original craftsmanship quite good. The boat was in need of some “creative” repair, but overall in good shape. I fixed some skuffs, modified the transom, painfully applied several coats of paint / vanish and mounted a bit of chris-craft’esq chrome to help tie her to the dock. More (albiet poor) pictures are available rolled out of the garage for a bit of driveway sailing.
She can easily hold 3 people and only weighs about 250 lbs. I have to admit, I expected the stability from this boat based on the design / plans, but not quite the speed. Overall she’s perfect as single or family day-sailer and / or rower and / or (small) motor-boat. The biggest problem is I can’t seem to get in / out of the water without folks comming up to look at it. 🙂
I’ve had a blast both restoring, sailing and rowing this boat with my son. I can’t help but wonder what his take will ultimately be on the subject.