Radials in the house damn… err, i repeat. damn… I’ve just finished assembling a pair of modified Decware Radial 1 speakers. Cutting to the… Continue reading “Radials in the house”…
Audio rack v1.0 The legs are 2.25″ diameter cherry with 1.5″ maple shelves and maple cross supports. The black cones and spikes are… Continue reading “Audio rack v1.0”…
miles davis timeline I’m a jazz fan. The combination of vinyl, low watt tube amplifcation, high efficency speakers and jazz works for me.… Continue reading “miles davis timeline”…
on pigs and maps I miss my maps. Well, I miss google maps more specifically. Even more specifically, I miss google maps on piggy-bank.… Continue reading “on pigs and maps”…
Zen and dust The face-lift on my Decware Zen amplifier is finally complete and I’m extremely happy with the results. The Zen is… Continue reading “Zen and dust”…