Part of our lives Several months ago a dear friend of mine turned me on the the following book: Part of our lives :… Continue reading “Part of our lives”…
Hometown library done good Today, we at Zepheira have taken another exciting step by publishing Worthington Public Libraries bibliographic records as actionable data. While… Continue reading “Hometown library done good”…
Libhub and the Denver Public Library A few months ago I talked about Libhub. Today we have taken the next, exciting step by publishing all 840,000… Continue reading “Libhub and the Denver Public Library”…
libhub v0.01 In the summer of 2015, Zepheira will introduce the Libhub Network, a Web-based data network designed to surface and connect… Continue reading “libhub v0.01”…
an embeddable exhibit This week the NDIIPP partners meeting, the Library of Congress is holding a Recollection workshop to demonstrate some of the… Continue reading “an embeddable exhibit”…
freemix Tonight we tagged a svn “invitational beta” branch for next weeks Freemix launch at 2009 SemTech. This is a huge… Continue reading “freemix”…
happy birthday RDF! Misha pretty much summed it all up in his post The RDF Model and Syntax Specification became a W3C Recommendation… Continue reading “happy birthday RDF!”…
active purls Stu Weibel’s post on ‘List Making Meets Redirection’ prompted me to comment on some of the Active PURL work (PURLs… Continue reading “active purls”…
purlz for the people For a long time I’ve been thinking how useful it would be to give PURLS to people as a key… Continue reading “purlz for the people”…
PURL rearchitecture underway 15 years ago, I was involved in series of discussions at the IETF regarding technical standards related to identifying resources… Continue reading “PURL rearchitecture underway”…