Recombinant Data Over the past several years, I’ve occasionally used the phrase “recombinant data” when talking about the Semantic Web. Recently at… Continue reading “Recombinant Data”…
Zepheira Several folks have asked me privately about Zepheira … more specifically what we do, how to pronounce it and where… Continue reading “Zepheira”…
miles davis timeline I’m a jazz fan. The combination of vinyl, low watt tube amplifcation, high efficency speakers and jazz works for me.… Continue reading “miles davis timeline”…
the challenger – piggy bank Tim Bray’s latest post reminded me of his challenge. Working with various companies on RDF and Semantic Web related… Continue reading “the challenger – piggy bank”…
search to find picked up on some of the new work thats going on in the acedemic search / information management space… Continue reading “search to find”…
on connecting things… (reconstructed from wayback) Talks over on the Simile list have moved into the realm of bibliographic citations and of the… Continue reading “on connecting things…”…
Interesting times in Education and Semantic Web Bookmarking an interesting development reported in eweek… Graham Glass, founder of successful software companies, supporter of Web services and service-oriented… Continue reading “Interesting times in Education and Semantic Web”…
on pigs and maps I miss my maps. Well, I miss google maps more specifically. Even more specifically, I miss google maps on piggy-bank.… Continue reading “on pigs and maps”…
Oracle 10.2 and RDF Several folks have been asking me about more information regarding Oracle 10.2 and RDF support. Googling for these terms turns… Continue reading “Oracle 10.2 and RDF”…
trip to london (reconstructed from wayback) I’m in central London at the moment talking about the Semantic Web with various CIO/CTOs working in… Continue reading “trip to london”…